Member benefits
It is expected of all professionals to belong to their respective organizations. Gaining local and global recognition as a professional in the field of information technology is possible through membership in the CSSL. You can advance professionally and build a solid reputation because of this.
Networking opportunities: Being a member of the CSSL may provide opportunities to meet and connect with other professionals in the field of information technology and computer science. It enables new professionals to associate with senior members of the profession and learn from them. This can be beneficial for career development, finding job opportunities, and staying up-to-date with industry news and trends.
Professional development: To assist members in enhancing their abilities and subject-matter expertise, the CSSL conducts workshops, training sessions, tech presentations, and other professional development opportunities. This can help you develop in your profession and maintain your competitiveness on the job market.
Opportunities to serve and contribute your experience in several subcommittees appointed by the CSSL, such as accrediting boards, policy-making organizations, and standards-setting bodies, in order to benefit the IT industry in Sri Lanka.
A professional career includes adhering to a code of conduct and ethical standards. The CSSL’s code of conduct applies to all of its members. By joining CSSL, you may be sure that you are a reputable IT professional who can be relied upon.
Opportunities to attend local and international ICT conferences at a discounted rate. CSSL annually organizes National IT Conference, where members get special discounts to participate.
Access to a forum where you can to seek guidance on specific technology or industry-related issues, workplace challenges and opportunities.
CSSL provides its members with opportunities to develop their personal brands and professional reputations through speaking engagements and publications.
Discounts and exclusive offers: Members can take advantage of exclusive savings on professional development programs, certificates, and other goods and services provided by CSSL and its affiliates.
Being formally recognized as a professional in your field. And titled as MCSSL , AMCSSL
Being able to mix with others in your profession both socially and professionally.
Having access to technical knowledge in the form of Tech Talks.
Being able to promote your field in the society.
Become a member of OPA/Opportunity to get membership of diverse globally and locally recognized professional groups.
Gaining Professional Status often helps get a more senior and higher paid job.
Get support in Lifelong Learning and training.
Being able to contribute your expertise when a new regulation or policy needs to be put together e.g. setting standards.
Being able to mentor younger members to help them develop further.
Professional Recognition through accreditation and certification.
Annual Partners

Training Partners

Annual Partners

Training Partners